Best Luxury Travel Writer of 2018

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The Winner
Leah DeAngelis
Leah DeAngelis from loves to travel and she loves to write. She has been featured on many travel publications and consistently turns out high quality content that paints vivid pictures of incredible locations. She has focused many of her articles and stories on some of the worlds most luxurious resorts, hotels and far away countries.
Why she Won
Leah DeAngelis from has shown incredible attention to detail on some of the finer points of writing. Because of her unique writing style and most importantly because of her consistent high quality articles she was a strong contended and winner of “The Best Luxury Travel Writer of 2018”.
What Our Judges Had to Say
"Leah DeAngelis is a fantastic writer that takes her readers into a whole new world. She paints incredible pictures and makes you feel like you experiencing the places, smells, and sights she writes about.

Norm Karl S.
If you loved Leah DeAngelis and would like to nominate a new company or person for next years “Paltino Luxury Travel Awards” fill out the form Below and we will add them to the nomination pool.
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